Henan ZOOMLINE Machinery Co., Ltd.
主营产品: 沥青搅拌站,沥青厂配套设备,沥青厂部件,煤粉燃烧器,混凝土配料厂
Stationary Asphalt Mixing Plant
Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant
Super Mobile Drum Mix Asphalt Plant
Continuous Asphalt Mixing Plant
Recycling Asphalt Mixing Plant
Eco-friendly Asphalt Mixing Plant
Coal Burner
Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant
Concrete Batching Plant
Emulsified Bitumen Equipment
Polymer Modified Bitumen Plant
Bitumen Melting Machine


New Designed Drum Mix Asphalt Plant


ZOOMLINE new mobile drum mix asphalt plant is optimized and redesigned based on our stationary continuous asphalt mixing plant and semi-mobile continuous asphalt mixing plant.


The super mobile drum mix asphalt plant realizes the high integration of asphalt plant, and one transport trailer can realize all the functional requirements of the asphalt mixing plant which meets the user's requirements for fast installation, fast transition, and rapid production greatly saves the costs and improves the construction efficiency.

Up to now, our super mobile drum mix asphalt plant has been exported to Europe, Africa, North America etc.